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How do I set up a new Topic/Query for tracking for TikTok

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Radarr by Genesys allows you to create and edit topics under the Listen and Engage Modules for various platforms including TikTok.

Before getting started please go through the limitations for TikTok below:

  1. Please ensure your topic or sub-topic names are unique from the other topic and sub-topic names and do not contain any special characters such as */#!@~&()[]?$% 
  2. We can fetch only the last 30 days of historic data for TikTok.
  3. We cannot use any other operator for configuration except “OR” and always enclose keywords with double quotes. Example – “Bake” OR “#Bake”.
  4. Do not use any brackets at the beginning and end of the boolean
  5. Example – (“Bake” OR “#Bake”)
  6. Do not use any other operators such as “AND” and “NOT”

Example – ((“Bake” OR “#Bake”) AND (“Baking” OR “#Baking”)) NOT (“Baker” OR “Bakers” OR “#Baker”)

To get started with creating a new topic for TikTok, simply follow the steps below: 

  1. Click on System Configuration on the left-hand side panel.

2. Click on Listen Queries under that.

3. A page like this will load on the screen.

4. Click on Create New Query.

5. This will load Query Builder, allowing you to create new topics and set up accounts/profiles for tracking.

6. Click on Configure Accounts and Page. A section will appear that will look like this.

7. Click on the TikTok icon and choose whether you want to configure keywords or accounts.

8. To set up an account select Account under Configure and use this syntax – 

a. For Bulk Edit, click on Bulk Add tiktok:USERNAME,fetch_comment:0,news_config:0,country:COUNTRYCODE,entity_sub_type:ENTITY TYPE. Example – tiktok:newuserz,fetch_comment:0,news_config:0,country:COUNTRYCODE,entity_sub_type:ENTITY TYPE

b. For a Single Username

USERNAME. Example – newuserz

9. To configure keywords select Keywords under Configure – 

10. Provide a name for your query and/or sub-query and the topic you want to save it in after you have clicked on Save and Continue.

Once all of these are done, click on Create Query.
