Radarr By Genesys Help and Support
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Uploading Media from Salesforce to Radarr Engage

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This article applies to users who used the Salesforce Integration Connectors provided by Radarr by Genesys for the Engage function. 

Media Support 

Media Support allows users to share attachments from Salesforce to Radarr by Genesys Engage function, allowing users to send media and files like images and videos to customers. 

How to send the media or other attachments to Customers from Salesforce? 

To send a media or file, click on the attachment icon below the rich text editor.  

Upon clicking the attachment icon, a pop-up window will open and you can choose the file type to be included. Click “Add” 

Supported Media 

Image support – jpg, jpeg, png 

Video – 3g2, 3gp, 3gpp, asf, avi, dat, divx, dv, f4v, flv, m2ts, m4v, mkv, mod, mov, mp4, mpe, mpeg, mpeg4, mpg, mts, nsv, ogm, ogv, qt, tod, ts, vob 

File Support – pdf, xls, csv 


DM  (Image, Video, File) 

Comment (Image, Video) 

File Size Limitations:  

Max file size is 8MB for images / 85 Maga Pixels, and 25MB for all other file types. 

For more information> Visit this link 


DM (Image ) 

Comment ( No Media support available) 


DM (Image, Video ) 

Comment (Image, Video) 

File size limitations 
Image <= 5Mb. An additional limitation on the number of pixels also applies (Maximum 64 Mega Pixels) 
Video <= 500 MB 

For more information > Visit this link 
