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Manage Asset Library in the Publishing Module

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Keep your content fresh and organized with Radarr By Genesys’ social media publishing Asset Library. This article will help you with managing your images and videos at one place – Asset Library. 

Go to publishing module of Radarr By Genesys and click on Asset Library on the left hand list of widgets 

Asset Library is the place to store your content which you can use for Social Media Publishing and Scheduling. 

Follow the below steps to add images or videos to the asset library 

Step 1: Click on “Add new Assets” as shown below 

Step 2: Now click on browse and select the image or videos from your computer. You can either drag and drop your files or you can browse your computer and add files. 

Step 3: Once images or videos are selected from your computer, click on next.  Now you will get options to name your (images or videos) and save them or you can also put them in an existing folder or create a new folder and save. Just like below 

Click on Add to a Folder and the below dialog box appears 

Now you can either save your files to the existing folder which you have already created or you can create a new folder like below and click on save. 

That’s it and you are done. 

You will be able to schedule and publish a post from now on and select your media from the asset library 
